Wings Protocol x Instincy — A bright future ahead

Feb 20, 2022

Another step forward, because XWIP deserves it 🔥

We are proud to announce an indispensable partnership for our WingsArmy


Instincy is a full-service blockchain marketing agency based in Zurich, Specialized in utilizing corporate strategies to pilot startups from implementation to maturity in the blockchain industry.

Together we look forward to a successful and long-term partnership.

With primary focus on customer relations and project management, Instincy employs top-notch, multi-level development tactics such as project performance review, social media networking and objectives developed by start-ups and existing companies in the blockchain field.

👨🏻‍💻David Maximilian Güth, the CEO of Instincy and his team will work closely together with our team to pull the right lever to ensure a global marketing success.

Great things are coming! 🔥

The Wings Protocol Team




The Official Medium Page for the Wings Protocol Cryptocurrency Project.